55 resources
Professional Development Modules Organized by Claim or Domain
Dynamic Learning Maps
This website provides links to resources that support teachers of students with significant cognitive disabilities.Grade: N/ASubject: English Language Arts, Math, Science -
Properties of Lines and Angles
Dynamic Learning Maps
This module will provide information specific to lines and angles so that you can continue to support student understanding and learning of the properties of shape.Grade: K-12Subject: Math -
Shared Reading
Dynamic Learning Maps
This module describes shared reading, a reading approach that emphasizes interaction and engagement with books. In the DLM assessment, students frequently engage in a shared reading of a text before rereading a text to respond to questions.Grade: K-12Subject: English Language Arts -
Speaking and Listening
Dynamic Learning Maps
This module addresses speaking and listening in the broader context of expressive and receptive communication for students with significant cognitive disabilities. The content in this module is important to understand the DLM Essential Elements in Speaking and Listening and across all of the strands of Essential Elements in English language arts.Grade: K-12Subject: English Language Arts -
Strategies and Formats for Presenting Ideas
Dynamic Learning Maps
In this module, participants will review the general skills targeted in the DLM Essential Elements for developing presentations, the steps for creating a presentation and how to support student participation and collaboration, and how various types of media can be used in different formats to enhance presentations.Grade: K-12Subject: English Language Arts -
Supporting Participation in Discussion
Dynamic Learning Maps
In this module, participants will review the goals of supporting participation in discussion and the need of an expressive means of communication for all students. Participants will also be given 5 strategies to use in supporting students during discussions with teachers and peers.Grade: K-12Subject: English Language Arts -
Dynamic Learning Maps
This module provides an overview of symbols to support communication and interaction. It also describes the use of symbols and photographs in text.Grade: K-12Subject: English Language Arts -
Tar Heel Reader
Center for Literacy and Disability Studies, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Tar Heel Reader is a collection of free, easy-to-read, and accessible books on a wide range of topics. Each book can be speech enabled and accessed using multiple interfaces, including touch screens, the IntelliKeys with custom overlays, and 1 to 3 switches.Grade: K-12Subject: English Language Arts -
Teaching Communication During Academic Instruction Module
Center for Literacy and Disability Studies, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
The goal of this module is to discuss how to support interaction and teach communication as students engage in academic instruction across the school day. Self-directed and facilitated versions available.Grade: N/ASubject: English Language Arts -
Teaching Text Comprehension: Anchor-Read-Apply
Dynamic Learning Maps
In this module, participants will learn to identify the components of an Anchor-Read-Apply text comprehension lesson, match purposes for reading with anchor activities, and describe the difference between asking questions to assess comprehension and teaching students to understand text in increasingly complex ways.Grade: K-12Subject: English Language Arts -
The Power of Ten-Frames
Dynamic Learning Maps
This module focuses on the use of a ten frame as a tool to help students develop an understanding of base-ten as well as composing and decomposing.Grade: K-12Subject: Math -
TIES Brief 6: Grading My Child with Significant Cognitive Disabilities in an Inclusive Classroom
TIES Center
A publication aimed at parents of students with SCD aimed at informing parents about how grades are assessesed. "The purpose
of this brief is to (a) identify the IEP team?s role in grading and report cards, (b) provide ideas for how to talk to your child?s teacher about grades and their meaning, and (c) suggest what to do if your child?s school or district has not yet identified grading and report card considerations for students with significant cognitive disabilities in inclusive classrooms.Grade: N/ASubject: None -
Time and Money
Dynamic Learning Maps
Participants will learn about money concepts, the language of time, the skills involved in reading a clock, and how questions can be rephrased into statements so that students can demonstrate their receptive understanding of time concepts.Grade: K-12Subject: Math -
Tools and Resources for Addressing English Learners with Disabilities
US Department of Education
This document provides a set of tools to help schools, LEAs, and SEAs in appropriately identifying and serving ELs with disabilities. The tools give examples of how schools can refer, assess, and identify ELs who may have a disability; how to write an IEP and select accommodations for ELs with disabilities; and how to compare data about EL students with disabilities from LEA to LEA.Grade: K-12 -
UDL Tips for Designing Learning Experiences
How can we design learning experiences so that they are meaningful and challenging for all learners? Whether you are designing instruction for in-person classroom experiences, online synchronous experiences, remote asynchronous experiences, or anything in between and beyond, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) can help us anticipate learner variability and make instruction flexible and useful for all.Grade: N/A